Waiting 4 the Bus

Waiting 4 the Bus
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

we have been remiss

We were talking about the prompt of the day. We failed...So here is something that's good for at least a week. I call it the Newman method. Pick an album, your favorite album. Listen to it and nothing else while you write. Basically you are writing a tribute to that album and what it means, mostly what it means to you. This is an interesting exercise.

March Poetry Madness

As the collective gears up for spring, I find myself in a preemptive strike of exhaustion. We have sooooooooo many shows in March I have no idea how I can keep my brain from liquidizing.

At Ballou, 939 N. western
we've got:
March 1st-Sid Yiddish
March 15-Laura Dixon

St Paul’s Cultural Center
2215 W North Avenue

The W4tB Gang Presents
Storyteller night
Dave Gecic
Brian Norton
Jasmine Neosh
Matt Barton

"You are encouraged to wear your pajamas"

March 29,
The first ever W4tB Fifth Monday Show
Presenting a full cast production of Esteban Colon's "Edgar Avenue"
This will also be at Cafe Ballou.

Plus, the submission deadline for Exact Change Only is on March 15th. There's a lot going on.