Waiting 4 the Bus

Waiting 4 the Bus
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Susan Swanton and Dana Jerman are Waiting 4 the Bus (March 3)

The greatest poetry open mic in the world returns with the coolest features ever. Dana Jerman and Susan Swanton are writers with a sharpened cutting edge, a sharpened wit, and a pretty cool fashion sense too. They are awesome examples of what W4tB loves about poetry.
Join guest hosts Esteban Colon and Jude Chance in the Rendezvous room at Jaks tap 901 W Jackson
Sign up 7:30
Show time 8-10pm
40 beers on tap
Great food
We request a donation for the feature
But the show is free

Suggested theme monkeys, ninjas, clowns, and the secret sex life of Sherlock Holmes