Waiting 4 the Bus

Waiting 4 the Bus
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Poetry collectives and other nonsense

We at W4tB consider ourselves a collective.  We really have no idea what that means.  We know that we are combating the scourge of genre.  We don't know what that means either.  This whole thing started when a couple of us sat down and tried to define the phrase "Poetry Community"  and the differences between that and "Poetry Scene".  Remember that this forum is not political, and with that in mind what do you think.  What's your opinion on the subject.


  1. All I know is that it's wonderful to have a talented group of writers to inspire, critique and support me through my own writing. It's invigorating, challenging, and fun to have other poets ask me what I'm reading, what my writing process is, and give me new ideas for generating poems. Collective, group, cabal, whatever we call it, it's AWESOME!

  2. I like the concept too, but if it's such a great idea, why hasn't it been done more often? is it a matter of individual egos,, or hasn't the poetry ground here in the city been healthy enough to cultivate such a concept.
